May 1998: While serving in the United States Air Force, stationed in Japan, the Lord spoke to Hamp Lee III to send daily messages called Quick Quotes. He began sending inspirational messages to his friends and family in the United States and Japan.
1999: In the following year, showed him the image of a stick figure with a sword in its hand and the words “Spiritual Combatants.” Hamp renamed Quick Quotes to Spiritual Combatants.
November 2005: After sending thousands of quotes around the world, the Lord impressed upon Hamp to start a website with the purpose of “re-establishing truth by being a drink offering to the world.” He wrote hundreds of articles on over fifty topics outlining the walk of faith in Christ. Quotes, articles, and videos are archived on the Spiritual Combatants website and Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube social media accounts.
October 2014: The Lord called Hamp to structure Spiritual Combatants as a church ministry.
August 11, 2016: Spiritual Combatants was formed as a church organization and received its 501(c)(3) tax exemption from the Internal Revenue Service.
September 2017: Spiritual Combatants was unofficially renamed Village Hills Church and started Bible Study services on Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama. This was short-lived as Hamp traveled home to Los Angeles, California, to care for his father three weeks before his passing.
July 2020: Spiritual Combatants returned as Village Hills Fellowship. A formal ‘Doing Business As’ request was submitted and accepted by the state of Alabama. Spiritual Combatants, Inc. continues to operate officially for tax and other business purposes as appropriate while serving the local community as Village Hills Fellowship.
July 2022: Village Hills Fellowship moved to San Antonio, Texas, as Hamp continues his military service. This will be his final assignment in the Air Force before retirement. Spiritual Combatants will continue to operate as Village Hills Fellowship in Texas.