Mission 25 (M25) is the outreach arm of our ministry. Our outreach encompasses ministry efforts such as donating items to providing food, clothing, and housing for those in need. The purpose of M25 comes from Matthew 25:31-46, often known as the Final Judgment. In this final judgment, Jesus mentions six groups of people who are considered the least of those in society:
Without clothing
Sick (in hospital)
Through M25, we pray for opportunities to provide material and relational support. Lord willing, God will allow us opportunities to actively serve each of the six groups of people mentioned in Matthew 25:31-46. Where we are unable to directly provide help or support ourselves, we will seek to partner with other local organizations and churches.
Our vision for M25 culminates in providing transitional housing for homeless men, women, and families with children.Our prayer is to host several facilities throughout the city of San Antonio that support 100 families in total at any given time. We seek partnerships with local people, organizations, and churches to further the quality and quantity of services available for those in need.
As we come together and solidify what M25 is, represents, and provides in the city, our vision is to support other churches and interested parties to conduct similar work. There may be churches that would like to transition to a mission center and others who may want to start one from the ground up. In either case, we pray to have the documentation and support to help them lay the foundation for the Lord to expand His love in new places in and beyond San Antonio.
Current Need: We are currently seeking facilities to provide transitional housing for families in San Antonio. If you or someone you know has access to an available single-family or multifamily home or commercial building that can function in this capacity, please contact us.
Village Hills Fellowship and Mission 25 are ministerial focus areas provided through Spiritual Combatants, Inc., a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.